بازم من آره,از این به بعد تصمیم گرفتم هر موقع حال داشتم یه عکس خوفی هم براتون بگذارم...
خارجکی هم بلدیم بلی...
اینا هم دزدی هستن هیچکدوم مال خودم نیست...خیالتون راحت...
یه چندین تای دیگه هم میزارم حالشو ببرین...
In the Fog
Strange, to wander in the fog.
Each bush and stone stands alone,
No tree sees the next one,
Each is alone.
My world was full of friends
When my life was filled with light,
Now as the fog descends
None is still to be seen.
Truly there is no wise man
Who does not know the dark
Which quietly and inescapably
Separates him from everything else.
Strange, to wander in the fog,
To live is to be alone.
No man knows the next man,
Each is alone...haaaa
اینم دزدی بود.
the last man on the earth!:D
oh....no...is alone
فعلا همینا رو داشته باشین تا بعد....